Sulla Via Dei Segni

↘ 01/06

↘ 2021

Project Type
Editorial Design
↘ Thesis Project
↘ Politecnico di Milano
Stefano Magri
Editorial Design
Visual Design

Mario Piazza
Luca Pitoni 

A project designed to combine two books into a single visual book. The addition of visual and graphics el- ements makes the book more appealing and the subject easier to understand.
The final project includes the books “Sulla via dei segni” and “Ideogrammi in Cina”, the first written by critics and historians about the french artist Henri Michaux, the second instead, is a work of the artist himself.

Inspired by oriental culture both in form and content.
The book is bound following the ancient Japanese binding technique Yotsume Toji, the division of the two books within this re-edition are emphasized by the use of reverse bound pages.
The reorganization of the contents ease the readability of the book, and the chosen typography brings back the sense of condensed signs present in the artist’s works.

Font — Freight text pro
Paper — Ikea Måla, Hahnemuhle Bugra
Binding — Yotsume Toji
printed in — January 2021

  PORTFOLIO — 2019 → 2023  ●  ↘ 01/Editorial Design   ↘ 02/UX Design  ↘ 03/Exibithion Design  ↘ 04/UX Design  ↘ 05/Social Design  ↘ 06/Data Visualization  —